Sunday, August 28, 2011

20 Healthy Dinners Under $3

I found this link yesterday and really want to try almost all the recipes!  I looked at each one and I think they calculate the price based on the portion of each ingredient used in the recipe (makes sense).  So, if you have to go buy a whole container of rosemary or a bag of cherries, the cost will be higher.  But I suppose you could find other ways to use the rest of the ingredients later (for non-perishable items) or in meals later that week.  Or, you could double each one and use the leftovers for lunch or dinner the next day.  Please post a comment if you try one of the recipes... I always like to read reviews and make improvements!!

Remember, eating healthy does not have to be expensive! :)

p.s.  I don't know how to label posts... let me know how and I will.

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